Introduction The problem of quinine amblyopia is over a century old. Its recognition and clinical description actually predate ophthalmoscopy.1 The literature on quinine amblyopia has been periodically reviewed, and the clinical course of this disease has been fully described by many authors.1-5 All emphasize the importance of individual susceptibility as well as total dosage. Although synthetic drugs have largely replaced quinine in the treatment of malaria over the past 20 years, patients with quinine amblyopia are still occasionally seen.5-18 The most frequently reported cause during the past 20 years is attempted abortion.5-14 Recent reports of patients with quinine amblyopia have described the elecroretinogram (ERG) changes during the course of this disease.12-14 The ERG is normal in the acute stage when the visual fields are severely constricted, visual acuity reduced, and retina edematous. As the field expands and the optic disc becomes atrophic, the ERG response