The Theory of Instability of the Tearing Mode of Elastic-Plastic Crack Growth

This paper presents a new approach to the subject of crack instability based on the J-integral R-curve approach to characterizing a material's resistance to fracture. The results are presented in the chronological order of their development (including Appendices I and II). First, a new nondimensional material parameter, T, the “tearing modulus,” is defined. For fully plastic (nonhardening) conditions, instability relationships are developed for various configurations, including some common test piece configurations, the surface flaw, and microflaws. Appendix I generalizes these results for the fully plastic case and Appendix II treats confined yielding cases. The results are presented for plane-strain crack-tip and slip field conditions, but may be modified for plane-stress slip fields in most cases by merely adjusting constants. Moreover, an accounted-for compliance of loading system is included in the analysis. Finally, Appendix III is a compilation of tearing modulus, T, properties of materials from the literature for convenience in comparing the other results with experience.