Health needs assessment: Assessment in primary care: practical issues and possible approaches

This is the fourth in a series of six articles describing approaches to and topics for health needs assessment, and how the results can be used effectively. Series editor: John Wright This article is a practical guide to help primary care groups (as set out in the NHS white papers 1 2) and also individual practice teams assess the health needs of their respective populations before providing or commissioning services to meet these needs. Historically, much service provision has been service led rather than needs led, provided as before and at the convenience of providers rather than patients. The needs of patients are now accepted as being central to the NHS. An explicit framework is needed to help assess needs more systematically, to demystify the process, and to help prioritise and action changes.3 This paper outlines an approach that is feasible for individual practices, groups of practices, and populations of around 100 000 people (typically the size of the new primary care groups described in the white paper). #### Summary points Health professionals understandably tend to think of health needs in terms of services they can provide. Patients may have different ideas about what affects their health. This might include getting a job, having a roof over their head, or having a bus route which …