A simple relation exists between the packing density in crystals of short A-DNA duplexes and their global double-helical structure. The volume per nucleotide pair shows a linear inverse correlation with the mean displacement of base pairs from the best straight helix axis. The mean displacement is a measure of major groove depth and varies between - 3.3 Å and −4.9 Å in A-form oligonucleotides analysed in the crystalline state. Since the mean displacement of base pairs from the helix axis determines other helical parameters such as base-pair longitudinal slide, its correlation with crystal packing is of considerable interest. The displacement- packing correlation is very clear for octamer duplexes which crystallize in three different lattices. Longer A-helical fragments sometimes deviate from the rule. It may be speculated whether A- form duplexes not completing a full helical turn are especially prone to distortions due to packing in crystals or arising from intermolecular contacts in solution.