Reducing Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Strengthening Community, Family, and Youth Resiliency

The Creating Lasting Connections 5-year demonstration project was designed to delay onset and reduce frequency of alcohol and other drug use among high-risk 12-through 14-year-old youth by positively impacting resiliency factors in three domains: church community, family, and individual (youth). Major program components included church community mobilization, parent/guardian training, youth training, early intervention services, and follow-up case management services. The program was implemented in multiple church communities in rural, suburban, and inner-city settings. The evaluation employed a true experimental design with three repeated measures over a I-yearperiod. Results showed that the program successfully engaged church communities in substance abuse prevention activities and produced positive direct effects on family and youth resiliency, as well as moderating effects on onset and frequency of alcohol and other drug use. Findings that are consistent with the program message and significant learnings are highlighted.