In two placebo-controlled, double-blind studies, the prophylactic efficacy of recombinant DNA-produced interferon α2 (lFN-α2) against induced rhinovirus (RV) type 39 infection in susceptible volunteers was assessed. IFN-α2 was given by intranasal drops in either multiple treatments (11.4 × 106 IU four times per day for four days) or one treatment daily (42.8 × 106 IU once per day for five days) starting before RV type 39 challenge. The efficacy rates of multiple-dose IFN-α2 for preventing infection, virus shedding, and RV type 39-specific colds were 78%, 78%, and 100%, respectively. The corresponding rates for one daily treatment were 45%, 64%, and 75%, respectively. Both dosage regimens were associated with significant reductions in days of virus shedding and nasal mucus production. In the second study, three IFN-α2 recipients developed transient leukopenia (3). The results suggest that intranasal IFN-α2 may prove to be a safe and effective method of preventing rhinovirus infection and illness.