Measurement of the rotational viscosity of ferroelectric liquid crystals based on a simple dynamical model

Rotational viscosity and spontaneous polarization are the most important properties of a ferroelectric liquid crystal with regard to its switching time in surface stabilized or a.c. field stabilized displays. Whereas there is an abundant literature about spontaneous polarization, only a few attempts have been made to determine the rotational viscosity. We set up a model for the electric response of a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell on application of an electric field. For the application of a triangular wave voltage we derive a relation between the rotational viscosity, the spontaneous polarization, the tilt angle, the maximum induced polarization current and the electric field strength. Experiments are carried out on several ferroelectric liquid crystals and the derived relation was used to determine the rotational viscosity. The relation between the rotational viscosity and the polarization on the one hand and the optical switching time on the other hand is discussed in some detail.