Data and theory for a new model of the horizontal structure of rain cells for propagation applications

A large population of radar‐measured ground rain cells is used to devise and assess a rain cell model for use in some of the future telecommunication applications. The model is based on cells of exponential profile (which is shown to reproduce best the point rain rate CDF); both rotational and biaxial symmetries are considered for the horizontal cross sections. Furthermore, the proposed model contains analytical expressions for the joint probability densities of the parameters which define the cell, i.e., peak rain intensity, cell size and axial ratio. Finally, an algorithm is given for adapting the model to the characteristics of any given site: this algorithm requires as input the local cumulative distribution of point rainfall and provides the spatial number densities (i.e., the average number of cells per square kilometer and per unit range of the parameters) which this distribution would produce. The model offers the possibility of predicting the statistics of many propagation parameters (such as attenuation or interference by rain scattering) which are determined by the rain cell characteristics and their frequency of occurrence.