Location of Sites of Reaction Within Starch Granules

To observe granular reaction patterns within modified starch granules, starch derivatives were converted to thallium(I) salts and viewed by scanning electron microscopy compositional backscattered electron imaging. Observation of phosphorylated potato and sorghum starches and a hydroxypropyl analog of waxy maize starch revealed that granular patterns of reaction were influenced by both starch and reagent types. In waxy maize and sorghum starches, flow of reagent into the granule matrix occurred from channels (laterally) and cavities (from the inside outward). In potato starch granules, which do not possess channels, reagent diffused inward through exterior granule surfaces. Phosphoryl chloride (highly reactive) reacted to a large extent at granule surfaces, while the propylene oxide analog (less reactive) appeared to diffuse into the granule matrix prior to reacting.