The Mechanism of the Photo-Chemical Decomposition of Diethyl Ketone

The photo‐chemical decomposition of gaseous diethyl ketone in light of 3130A has been investigated at 56°C and 120°C over a wide range of absorbed intensities. The quantum yield of butane was found to increase with increasing intensity, while the quantum yield of total C2 hydrocarbons was found to decrease with increasing intensity. On the basis of a kinetic analysis of these data, the proposed free radical mechanism for the decomposition of this ketone is adequately substantiated. Assuming zero activation energy for the recombination of ethyl radicals to form butane, the activation energy for the disproportionation of ethyl radicals has been determined as E=4.8 kcal./mole, and that for the reaction of an ethyl radical with a diethyl ketone molecule to form ethane has been found to be E=4.1 kcal./mole.