Study of Low-Lying Levels ofAr37

The mean lifetimes of the levels of Ar37 below 3.0-MeV excitation energy have been measured by applying the Doppler-shift-attenuation method to the S34(α,n)Ar37 reaction (Q0=4.629 MeV). A 450-μg/cm2 CdS target (enriched to 85.61% in S34) evaporated onto a 1-μ Ni foil was bombarded with α particles ranging in energy from 7.6 to 8.8 MeV. γ rays were detected at 0, 37, 45, 55, 90, and 143° to the beam axis with a 30-cc Ge(Li) detector. The following mean lifetimes were found: τ(1.41MeVlevel)=1.080.13+0.17 psec, τ(2.22)=380±50 fsec, τ(2.49)=77589+105 fsec, and τ(2.80)=14±11 fsec. Excitation energies for the first five excited states were determined from the ground-state transitions. All five levels were found to undergo γ decay 100% to the ground state; upper limits were set on other possible transitions. Analysis of the γ-ray angular distributions for the levels at 1.61 and 2.49 MeV gave spins in agreement with previous assignments. The angular-distribution and lifetime measurements yield a most probable spin-parity assignment of (72+) for the 2.22-MeV level. The experimental transition strengths for the positive-parity states are in good agreement with predictions of many-particle shell-model calculations.