Expression of retinoic acid α and β receptor genes in liver and hepatocellular carcinoma

CDNA probes for human retinoic acid receptors α and β (RARα and RARβ) were modified for use as specific hybridization probes to study hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) and cell lines, liver regeneration, and fetal development. RARβ mRNA was detected at low levels in adult liver and rose markedly during the early phase of liver regeneration. RARβ mRNA was present at very low levels in HCC and was not detected in fetal liver. In contrast, RARα mRNA was present at low levels in normal liver, but showed a marked elevation in several HCCs and cell lines. Growth of cell lines was altered by retinoic acid (RA), but the effects could not be predicted by the levels of either RARα or RARβ mRNA. However, the response correlated with cell phenotype. Three cell lines with an adult phenotype (high albumin and low α-fetoprotein) were inhibited by RA, two undifferentiated lines showed moderate growth stimulation, and two of three cell lines that had high levels of α-fetoprotein were markedly stimulated by RA.