Generalized potential-model description of mutual scattering of the lightestp+d,d+3He nuclei and the corresponding photonuclear reactions

For the problem of interaction between the lightest p+d, d+3He nuclei supermultiplet expansion of the reaction amplitude TLS is proposed. We have disclosed the nonpotential character of channels with S=1/2, where the scattering amplitude is written as a superposition of the potential amplitudes TL[f] with different symmetries [f]. We have constructed the interaction potentials VL[f], [f]=[21], [3] and [f]=[32], [41] for p+d and d+3He, respectively. The differential cross sections for p+d inelastic scattering with the deuteron spin-isospin flip, which correspond to the available experimental data in the low-energy region, are predicted at higher energies and also for the d+3He system in a broad energy interval. The potential-model approach well describes quantitatively the photonuclear p3+d and d+3He5Li γ processes in a broad photon energy range Eγ≤30 MeV.