SUMMARY In 1972 a comparison was made between rotational creep grazing (R—8 paddocks) and set stocking (S—2 paddocks) for ewes and their twin lambs at 3 stocking rates viz. 20 (H), 17 (M) and 14 (L) ewes/ha. The herbage intakes/kg live weight of the R ewes were similar to those of the S ewes in period 1 (c. 7th week of lactation) but higher i n period 2 (c. 10th week of lactation). The intakes of the lambs were not affected by the grazing management in periods 3 or 5, but in period 4 the R lambs had a higher intake than those on S. The overall lamb growth rates were also higher on R compared with S. The carcass outputs (net of supplementary feed) were higher for any R treatment compared with any S treatment being 453, 451 and 427 for R and 419, 379 and 380 for S at the H, M and L stocking rates respectively.