Lentil Lectin Enriched Microsomes from the Plasma Membrane of the Human B-Lymphocyte Cell Line H2LCL Carry a Heavy Load of Type-1 Porin

Using an established biochemical approach, five subcellular fractions of human B lymphocytes were prepared by differential centrifugation. Crude membranes were passed over a lentil lectin column to enrich carbohydrate-coated cell surface microsomes. The lectin-bound fraction contained a high amount of plasma membrane-derived microsomes as indicated by cell surface markers. All subcellular fractions in Western blots proved to contain distinct but variable amounts of porin. There was a strong increase in porin content from crude membranes to plasma membrane-derived vesicles. The porin content of this fraction appeared to be higher than that of mitochondria. In the final step the plasma membrane-derived microsome fraction proved to be devoid of contamination by outer mitochondrial membranes, as revealed by antibodies against the established markers MAO B and Tom20 applied in Western blots. These data prove the extramitochondrial expression of human type-1 porin/ type-1 VDAC.

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