Lumbar Epidural Analgesia in Labour:I.Acid-base Balance and Clinical Condition of Mother, Fetus and Newborn Child

Twenty-four full-term nulliparae and their babies were studied. Twelve received lumbar epidural analgesia with bupivacaine (Marcain-adrenalin®) and twelve conventional obstetrical analgesia with meperidine (Petidin®), chlorpromazine (Hibernal®), nitrous oxide and a pudendal nerve block with prilocaine (Citanest®). The acid-base balance was determined in fetal and maternal blood during labour and in neonatal blood after birth. The newborn infants were placed in incubators after birth and several clinical parameters were recorded during the first two hours. Epidural analgesia to the mothers resulted in a lower degree of metabolic acidosis than conventional obstetrical analgesia. The clinical and blood-chemical parameters recorded in this study indicated no harmful effects on the newborn infants after epidural analgesia to the mothers.