Hormone receptors in rapidly progressing breast cancer

Biopsy specimens from 85 Tunisian breast cancer patients were compared with those of 95 American breast cancer patients for estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) levels. Tunisian patients with rapidly progressing breast cancer (RPBC) had lower ER levels than American patientsor Tunisian patients without evidence of RPBC. Lower ER levels in the earliest stage of RPBC, which presents without inflammatory signs, supported epidemiologic and pathologic studies indicating that rapid growth as reported by the patient is an important aspect of RPBC. Low ER levels were generally found in young, premenopausal Tunisian women with advanced RPBC; multivariate analyses suggest that age was the most important correlating factor. In the Tunisian patients, ER levels showed a direct correlation with response to therapy. No consistent relationship between American and Tunisian patients or subgroups was observed for PR levels. These results indicate the need for reevaluating the routine use of oophorectomy in RPBC.