Dehydration Of Erythromycin Dihydrate A Microscopy-FTIR Application

A novel application of microscopy-FTIR to monitor the dehydration of some hydrate compounds has been established, and some major instrumental parameters are identified. An application to erythromycin dihydrate indicated that the most notable spectral changes before and after dehydration are observed in the carbonyl region, particularly the lactone carbonyl band. Spectral comparison with conventional FTIR preparations, such as Nujol and KBR methods, are pre-sented to demonstrate the dehydration mechanism of erythromycin dihydrate. Also presented are the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and hot stage microscope (HSM) data to support the hypothesis that the FTIR-microscope accessory induces a transformation of erythromycin dihydrate into a metastable anhydrate form which will rehydrate rapidly when water vapor is present. With further thermal treatment the metastable form would convert to a stable anhydrate form via an amorphous form.

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