EPR investigation ofCu2+tetramers in ferroelectricCsH2PO4

EPR study of CsH2 PO4 (CDP) single crystals with 0.005 mol % of Cu2+ at room temperature reveals isolated Cu2+ (S=(1/2)) complexes with four ligand coordination and spin Hamiltonian parameters gpara=2.2575, g=2.1866, Apara=30 G, and A=27 G. At temperatures below 250 K the spectra were observed to have fine structure and are described as arising from a Cu2+ tetramer with effective spin S=2 and spin Hamiltonian parameters D=0.181 cm1, E=-0.081 cm1, a=0.001 cm1, b=0, and c=-0.021 cm1. Also reported are transitions within the S=1 multiplet of the tetramer, and a microscopic model of superexchange interaction has been used to evaluate the parameters Dx=0.543 cm1 and Ex=-0.159 cm1. A tetramer model as well as a temperature dependence of the ratio of tetramertosingle-ion intensity is presented.