Infrared Spectroscopy in High Tc Superconductors (La1-xSrx)2CuO4

Infrared active phonons in (La1-x Sr x )2CuO4 are investigated by reflection spectroscopy. The main peaks of Im(ε) in La2CuO4 are 117, 148, 166, 347, 509 and 679 cm-1. On increasing the carrier density by replacing La with Sr a new peak appears at 246 cm-1 in place of the decrease of the above peaks except for the 509 cm-1 peak. The existence of structures in the far infrared spectra in metal with the carrier density as high as 5 × 1021 cm-3 is very abnormal. The possibility is pointed out that the 246 cm-1 mode is related to the electronic excitation.

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