Quantitative bacteriology of acute dento-alveolar abscesses

Summary A qualitative and quantitative bacteriological study was performed on pus specimens otained by needle aspiration of 50 acute dento-alveolar abscesses. Most samples contained a mixture of species (average 3·3); 20 (40%) of the abscesses contained anaerobes alone, 3 (6%) contained facultative anaerobes only and the remaining 27 (54%) contained mixtures of both types of bacteria, with anaerobes predominating. In total, 166 bacterial strains were isolated, 75% of which were strictly anaerobic; the most common species were Peptococcus spp, Bacteroides oralis and B. melaninogenicus. Among facultative anaerobes, Streptococcus milleri was particularly common. The mean concentration of bacteria in each abscess was 106·9±0·2. The mean concentration of anaerobic bacteria was 106·2±0·1 and of facultatively anaerobic bacteria 105·7±0·2.

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