Fish Oil-induced Yellow Fat Disease in Rats; II. Enzyme Histochemistry of Adipose Tissue

Adipose tissue in various stages of fish oil-induced yellow fat disease in the rat had the same acid phosphatase and 5-nucleotidase activity pattern as similar stages of the disorder in mink and pig. A weak acid phosphatase and 5-nucleotidase activity was seen in interstitial lipofuscin-laden macrophages in “stage M” yellow fat disease without fat cell degeneration. Activity of these macrophagic enzymes increased when there was fat cell degeneration (“stage S” and “stage E” yellow fat disease). This different phosphatase activity in the same cell type may result from phagocytosis of substrates with variable digestibility. Macrophages directly surrounding affected fat cells in steatitis areas (“stage S” and “stage E”) had strong acid phosphatase and 5-nucleotidase activity. As in the pig, increased 5-nucleotidase activity was found in affected fat cells, which probably indicates plasma membrane damage. Increased nonspecific esterase activity occurred around affected fat cells. Only a small part of this esterase activity originated from inflammatory cells. This indicates that an increase of esterase activity in degenerating adipose tissue may be an endogeneous process in this tissue.