Zero-fieldμSR measurements inCuMn andAuMn spin glasses interpreted in the frame of a fractal cluster model

We present a detailed analysis of zero-field muon-spin-relaxation (μSR) measurements in CuMn and AuMn spin glasses in the framework of a fractal cluster model. The latter is reformulated in terms of a probability distribution of spin-correlation times from which an expression for the spin autocorrelation function S(t) is inferred. The fractal cluster model predicts that the upper limit τξ of the correlation time spectrum diverges at the freezing temperature Tf and decreases below Tf. The μSR method measures the average amplitude as of a static part and the effective correlation time τeff of a rapidly fluctuating part of the local magnetic field at the muon site. The scaled quantities as/a0, where a0 denotes the static field amplitude in the limit T→0, and τeffTf turn out to be universal functions of the reduced temperature T/Tf for all investigated spin glasses. τeff decreases below Tf and qualitatively reflects the temperature dependence predicted by the fractal cluster model for the characteristic correlation time τξ. To relate the local-field time correlations and the spin autocorrelation function S(t) quantitatively, we discuss two different models for the local-field dynamics as probed by μSR. As a result the μSR data do not reflect a spatial arrangement of spin clusters reorienting with size-dependent relaxation times. Rather the local field appears to be similar at each muon site and seems to consist of many contributions from different spins fluctuating with different correlation times. We analyze neutron and ac susceptibility data for the spin autocorrelation S(t) within the fractal cluster model and show that they agree well with the μSR results.

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