Cortico-adrenal extract perfused through the rat liver with glucose proved more effective in the prevention of glycogenolysis than did glucose alone. In the perfused cat liver in vitro large increases in glycogen content were brought about by the use of cortico-adrenal extract with Ringer-gum-glucose soln. Elevations of 50-100% above the pre-perfusion glycogen levels occurred in some instances within 10 or 15 mins. No other perfusates tested had this effect; in contrast, there usually occurred marked diminution in the glycogen values. Addition of K acetate to perfusion fluids containing cortico-adrenal extract prevented the glycogenetic action of the extract. Desoxy-corticosterone acetate did not stimulate glycogenesis in the isolated cat liver. Glycogenesis could not be demonstrated in cat livers perfused with glucose solns. containing insulin in the several different concs. employed in these expts. Instead there occurred an avg. glycogen decrease of about 30% under insulin dosage, while an avg. rise of 60% was effected by extracts of the adrenal cortex.