In the chondrocytes of the humerus epiphysis and of the articular cartilage of newborn, 8-, 30-, and 60-day-old albino rats, cytochrome c oxidase, arylsulfatase and carbonate dehydratase activity was found. In the transformation zone, the column cartilage and the proximal hypertrophic cells of 30- and 60-day-old animals, cytochrome c oxidase and arylsulfatase are distinctly present. The reaction of carbonate dehydratase is most pronounced in these cell regions of 8-day-old animals. In the mineralization zone we found only small activity of the investigated enzymes. The cells of the opening zone of all age groups demonstrate an additional activity. In the articular cartilage the cytochrome c oxidase is very distinct. The carbonate dehydratase follows with variable reduction and finally the arylsulfatase with only small activity.