The purpose of this paper is to find to what extent the notion of position in the relativistic quantum mechanics of free elementary systems of nonzero mass is defined (or precluded) by the requirement that the descriptions of a localized state as seen from two observers in different frames of reference should be physically consistent. Neither the existence of a time component of the position operator nor the compatibility of the space components of position is assumed. Hermiticity with respect to the quantum-relativistic scalar product in state-vector space is neither assumed nor rejected. There are three possibilities: (i) The position is represented as usual by a Hermitian operator; this is the point-type position. (ii) Non-Hermitian operators are accepted, and the k component of position can represent segments of the k axis with length of the order of 1m; when the operator is not only non-Hermitian, but also non-normal, this is the extended-type position. (iii) Non-Hermitian operators are accepted, but the segments are reduced to points; this is the limiting case of the extended-type position. Case (ii) is not studied in this paper. General conditions are found for any spin as regards cases (i) and (iii), and their consequences are obtained for spin 0 and spin ½. The results are the following: There is no position operator in case (i), but in case (iii) the position operator is unique for spin 0 and unique up to a parameter for spin ½. For both spins, in spite of the lack of relativistic Hermiticity, the eigenvalues of position are real, and the velocity is the expected one. The eigenstates of one component of the position are found. The components of the position are compatible with each other for spin 0, and incompatible for spin ½. In the former case, the simultaneous eigenstates of all components are Philip's class-I localized states. Related work is discussed.