A minute hepato cellular carcinoma found in a liver with clonorchis sinensis infection.Report of two cases

Two cases of minute hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) found in a liver infested with Clonorchis sinensis are described. One had mild infestation with hepatic changes suggestive of posthepatitic cirrhosis, and the other heavy infestation exhibiting secondary biliary cirrhosis with dilated intrahepatic bile ducts and periductal fibrosis. None had evidence of hepatitis B infection. The tumor nodule was solitary, measuring 5 × 7 mm and 10 × 11 mm, respectively, and the cells were differentiated to be classified as Grade I of Edmondson-Steiner's scale of anaplasia. It is not clear whether or not clonorchiasis was etiologically related to HCC, but it was of interest that in both cases the tumor nodule was very small representing the primary lesion without metastasis.