The germ cells of Lebistes are found in cysts; the younger cysts are toward the cortex. Mitochondria and Golgi apparatus are present. During maturation leptotene, bouquet, pachytene, and diakinesis figures are seen. The spermatocyte chromosomes number twenty‐three; an X‐Y pair is probably present, though the evidence is not conclusive. In spermatid formation the centriole divides to form a rodlet and an axial filament; the nucleus segregates into two materials, one of which is extruded; the remainder first contracts to a cup, comes in contact with the rodlet, then again forms a sphere. The mitochondria are arranged along the proximal part of the axial filament; the sphere flattens and elongates; the rodlet sinks into the head substance and is enfolded by it. The Golgi remnant is sloughed off with the residual cytoplasm, which disappears at the same time the Sertoli cells show an increase in size, suggesting their ingestion of the spermatid remnants. The mature sperm form spermatozeugmen, which are stored in the testicular canal; they are transferred to the female by aid of the modified anal fin.