Investigation of drug absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of man. III. Metoprolol in the colon.

The colonic absorption of metoprolol was indirectly evaluated by measuring drug appearance in plasma following intravenous, jejunal or colonic infusion in six healthy volunteers. Plasma concentrations of alpha‐hydroxymetoprolol and urinary excretion of the main metabolites were also measured. Plasma profiles of metoprolol after colonic and jejunal perfusion were similar, and the relative bioavailabilities of the drug from these two regions of the gut were not significantly different. The concentrations of alpha‐hydroxymetoprolol, the major metabolite in plasma, were similar after jejunal and colonic perfusion, but higher than those observed after intravenous administration. The percentage of the dose recovered in urine over 24 h as two metabolites was not significantly influenced by the route of administration.