Familial Benign Pemphigus (Hailey and Hailey). Presented by Dr. Charles R Rein. E. R., a white man aged 50, a broker, born in the United States, was first seen in January 1939 because of an eruption of more than thirty years' duration. His father had had "skin trouble" around the neck for forty-five years and had died at the age of 69 after his gallbladder had ruptured. The patient believes that the eruption was identical with his own condition. His father never sought medical attention and yet had long intervals in which he was free of eruption. The patient has one brother, aged 45, and no sisters. His brother also has a similar eruption of twenty years' duration affecting the neck and both axillas. The brother has received various forms of local and general treatment with little benefit. He has had periods of remission for as long as a year.