Qualitative composition of soil arthropods in some fields at Varanasi (India)

Thirty-three genera and thirteen species of Acarina were identified, Mesostigmata were represented by 12 genera. Eight genera were found in Prostigmata. The Astigmata were represented only by Tyrophagus. Cryptostigmata were represented by 12 genera, with a probability of certain new species in Galumna, Cryptacarus, Leptogalumna and Lohmannia. In all, 15 species and 19 genera of Collembola were identified and among them Drepanura and Seira have probably some new species. The other soil arthropods consist of Diplura, Pauropoda, Symphyla, Palipgradi, Uropygi, Schizomida and Pseudoscorpionida.