Charge symmetry breaking in neutron-proton scattering including arbitrary mesons

We derive the general charge symmetry breaking interactions for np scattering for arbitrary mesons exchanges defined in terms of the five relativistic invariants and isospin operators. In the presence of the isospin, the much used Gordon decomposition is modified to include two extra terms. In addition to the isovector mesons and the photon exchanges included earlier, we also consider the effect of ω and σ exchanges. Together these contribute about as much as the ρ meson which in turn is much less than the dominant one-pion exchange, γ, and ρω mixing effects. The A1 meson is negligible. The observables ΔA=An-Ap and ΔAks=A00ks-A00sk are calculated. The ΔA observable shows great sensitivity to the meson-nucleon form factors. The spin correlation asymmetry ΔAks is rather structureless.