Search for gluinos and squarks at the Fermilab Tevatron collider

We report on a search for supersymmetric squark and gluino particles in a data sample of 19 pb1 of pp¯ collisions at s=1.8 TeV recorded by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We searched for events containing jets plus appreciable missing transverse energy (E/T). This signature is indicative of pair production and subsequent decay of squarks and/or gluinos. After all cuts, there are 18 events with E/T>60 GeV and three jets, and 6 events with E/T>60 GeV and four jets. These numbers of events are consistent with estimates of standard model processes plus detector-induced background sources. The analysis yields lower limits on gluino and squark masses, based on the predictions from the mnimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model. At the 95% confidence level, we find gluino and squark mass limits up to 216 GeV/c2, assuming equal gluino and squark masses, and gluino mass limits up to 173 GeV/c2, independent of squark mass.

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