Predicting Pathological Stage of Localized Prostate Cancer-Reply

In Reply.—Dr Naitoh and colleagues criticized our analysis based on poor correlation between their own clinical and pathological data compared with data we reported for 4133 patients treated at 3 different institutions. In summary, they found that men with tumors having Gleason scores of 6 and 7, clinical stage of T2b, and PSA levels between 4 and 10 ng/mL had a higher likelihood of having organ-confined disease in their series than was reported by the nomograms presented in our work. They report rates of 70% (Gleason score 6) and 50% (Gleason score 7) of organ-confined disease for men within this subgroup, compared with the rate of 38% and 22% for similar patients in our study.We agree with Naitoh and colleagues that patients with capsular penetration can in fact be cured by radical prostatectomy; however, the probability of cure is less than for those men with organ-confined disease. Therefore, predicting organ-confined