"Neuropsychiatry" is not neurological psychiatry, "pseudobulbar palsy" is "supranuclear bulbar palsy," and "myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica" is likewise far from "pseudo." "Paresthesia" implies external stimulation, whereas "dysesthesia" is a spontaneous sensation. "Parkinsonism," "Romberg-ism" are no "isms." Reflexes are no "jerks" and should be named after the muscles involved; "radialis periosteal reflex" should be abandoned for "brachioradialis" reflex. Abdominal reflexes are either superficial or deep. "Infectious" is better than "Sydenham''s chorea," "spastic spinal paralysis" better than "Erb-Charcot''s." "pseudotabetic pupil-lotonia" better than "Adie''s syndrome," etc. Eponyms are non-descriptive and often unfair. Lasegue discovered but never described the straight-leg-raising test; its first description was by L. K. Lazarevic, preceding one year the first published mention of this sign.