A model for calculating the energy cost of burrowing by fossorial rodents is presented and used to examine the energetics of foraging by burrowing. The pocket gopher Thomomys bottae (Rodentia: Geomyidae) digs burrows for access to food. Feeding tunnels of Thomomys are broken into segments by laterals to the surface that are used to dispose of excavated soil. Energy cost of burrowing depends on both soil type and on burrow structure, defined by the length of burrow segments, angle of ascent of laterals, depth of feeding tunnels, and burrow diameter. In a desert scrub habitat, Thomomys adjust burrow segment length to minimize cost of burrowing. Observed segment lengths (mean=1.33 m) closely approximate the minimum-cost segment length of 1.22 m. Minimizing energy expended per meter of tunnel constructed maximizes efficiency of foraging by burrowing in the desert scrub. Burrow diameter and cost of burrowing increase with body size, while benefits do not, so foraging by burrowing becomes less enconomical as body size increases. Maximum possible body size of fossorial mammals depends on habitat productivity and energy cost of burrowing in local soils.