Thev2=1 inversional dependence of the rotationalg-tensors in14NH3,15NH3, and15ND3

The ΔMj =±1 mm-wave Zeeman spectra of the (v 2, J, K)=(1+, 2, 1) ← (1, 1, 1) ro-inversional transitions of 14NH3 and 15NH3, and of a series of (1, J, K) → (1+, J, K) inversion transitions of 15ND3, at fields near 2·6T, are reported. The level g-factors, referred to the nuclear magneton, are g(1+, 2, 1)=0·5771(20), g(1, 1, 1)=0·5419(40) for 15NH3 and 2g(1+, 2, 1) −g(1, 1, 1)= 0·6119(30) for 14NH3. The 15ND3 field splittings obey standard rigid-rotor rules, leading to the g ⊥/1‡=0·2946(11) and g ‖/1‡=0·2523(6) excited-state g-tensor elements. The 15NH3 ground-state g-tensor is redetermined to be g ⊥/0‡=0·5654(7), g ‖/0‡= 0·5024(5). The data is analysed in terms of the rotating rigid-bender model, fitted at three electronic parameters. Results show nuclear-electronic uncoupling with increasing v 2, whereas increasing coupling is predicted for v 2≧3, around the perpendicular axis. As a by-product, the K=3 splittings of the (4, 3) and (5, 3) inversion signals of 15ND3 were resolved for the first time.