The mesonic heavy quark spin multiplets with slπl=12+ and 32+ are expected to be the lowest-lying excitations above the pseudoscalar and vector ground states with slπl=12. I show that for charm and bottom these multiplets are probably inverted, with the 2+ and 1+ states with slπl=32+ about 150 MeV below the 1+ and 0+ states with slπl=12+. If verified, such an inversion would both support the expectation that confinement has no dynamical spin-dependence and indicate that heavy- and light-quark systems may be characterized by the same effective low-energy degrees of freedom. As an important by-product, this work establishes the dynamics of the strange quark as a critical link between heavy- and light-quark hadrons, justifying efforts toward a much more complete experimental and theoretical understanding of strange mesons and baryons and of strange quarkonia.