The broadening of a helix–coil transition due to base pair heterogeneity is calculated on the basis of a cumulant perturbation expansion in the quasi‐grand ensemble. In this ensemble the fictitious, homogeneous chain, to which the perturbation is referred, automatically decreases its correlation length as the heterogeneity increases. This “renormalization” seems to stabilize the perturbation expansion, in view of the good agreement between the present results and the exact theory of a heterogeneous polypeptide helix–coil transition. For the DNA model in which ring entropy is included, the transitions is found to be extremely narrow for an infinite random chain with conventional parameters. A tentative reconciliation of this result with contradictory calculations of some other workers is offered on the basis of end effects, coarse graining, or approximation to the ring entropy. An application of the new method to DNA with a non‐random base pair distribution requires evaluation of the correlation function between molecular states (helix or coil), at different sites of the reference chain. The evaluation is reduced to quadrature, but numerical calculations have been made only for the random chain.