Origin of losses in 2.54 cm wide Metglas Alloy 2605 SC (invited)

The origin of losses during A.C. excitation of Allied Chemicals’ Metglas Alloy R 2605 SC was investigated. Core loss measurements were made at 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5T in the frequency range 0–400Hz. D.C. hysteresis losses were also measured at the same inductions. Magnetic domain structures were observed over the same frequency and induction ranges using the longitudinal Kerr effect technique. Domain spacings were found to be dependent on frequency and induction and approached an equilibrium value for a given frequency when the strip was demagnetized from saturation. Calculated losses, using the equilibrium domain spacing and measured D.C. hysteresis losses, account for 70–90% of the total core loss. The D.C. hysteresis losses alone account for 50–80% of the total losses. The origin of the remaining losses is discussed.