Circulating immune complexes and rheumatoid arthritis: a comparison of different assay methods and their early predictive value for disease activity and outcome.

The performance of 4 different assays for circulating immune complexes, the [complement component] Clq solid phase method, 1 using protein A and 1 using anti-IgG, Clq PEG [polyethylene glycol] and the 2% PEG method were compared in 61 patients with early rheumatoid arthritis followed up for 2 yr. There were weak but statistically significant correlations between the results from some of the pairs of assays, but the changes over time from any single assay did not correlate with those from any of the other assays. None of the assays predicted either future disease activity, as measured by subsequent ESR [erythrocyte sedimentation rate], CRP [C-reactive protein] and articular index; or functional outcome, as measured by wrist extension. Steinbocker functional capacity and the Stanford health assessment questionnaire. It is unlikely therefore that the measurement of immune complexes is of value in predicting early outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.