Biokinematic analysis of the Swedish Warmblood riding horse at trot

The trotting gait of 4 approved Swedish Warmblood stallions with a mean gait score > or = 8.67 (maximum score = 10) at official performance tests was recorded by high speed film (approximately 250 frames/sec). Angular patterns and hoof trajectories of the left fore and hind limbs were analysed, and presented as mean and standard deviation curves. The horses had a mean stride duration of 794.0 msec (sd 13.7) and the mean diagonal advanced placement was +29.8 msec (sd 7.6). The variation in angular patterns between the horses was greatest during the swing phase. The trajectory of the hind hoof reference point and the shoulder joint angle showed the largest maximum variation (44 and 29% of the total range, respectively). The swing phase retraction was much longer in the forelimbs than the hind limbs. The shoulder joint angle, fore and hind fetlock joint angles, hock joint angle and pelvis inclination decreased during the first part of the stance phase and are assumed to be important for weight absorption and storage of elastic strain. Kinematic gait analyses have potential in the selection of performance horses.