Inheritance of iron deficiency in crosses of dry beans (phaseolus vulgaris L.)1

Inheritance of iron‐deficiency chlorosis was determined in the field from crosses between a highly susceptible (PI 165078) and three resistant Great Northern CGN Valley’, ‘GN Emerson’, and “GN UI 59') cultivars of dry edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Segregation of the F. generations indicated quantitative inheritance, with complete dominance for resistance in two crosses. Based on F, segregations, it was hypothesized that the Fe deficiency trait was controlled primarily by two major gene pairs; true breeding susceptible plants were homozy‐gous recessive and resistant plants were homozygous dominant (Fe‐1 Fe‐1, Fe‐2 Fe‐2). No significant relationships between Fe and other elements were noted in leaves, petioles, and stems. Leaves had considerably higher Fe concentrations than either the petioles or stems which were similar.