The zirconium nuclei are located at the beginning of the region of masses, viz., about 90-130, in which the measured strength functions are anomalously small, as far as the original optical model is concerned. We have examined the neutron resonance structure ofZr90,92,94,96 in the energy region 2keV<En<60keV, and we find that the s-wave strength function, in the region in which the s waves can be identified, has a mean value of (1.2±0.4)×104. At energies roughly above 25 keV, the ratio of the mean resonance width at 1 eV to the mean resonance spacing rises to a value of (2.5±0.6)×104; the latter value can not be uniquely interpreted because s-wave identification is not positive. Level densities for nuclides with neutron numbers in the vicinity of the magic number 50 are considered.