Measurement of the Wrong-Sign Decays D0K+ππ0 and D0K+ππ+π, and Search for CP Violation

Using 281fb1 of data from the Belle experiment recorded at or near the Υ(4S) resonance, we have measured the rates of the “wrong-sign” decays D0K+ππ0 and D0K+ππ+π relative to those of the Cabibbo-favored decays D0Kπ+π0 and D0Kπ+π+π. These wrong-sign decays proceed via a doubly Cabibbo-suppressed amplitude or via D0D¯0 mixing; the latter has not yet been observed. We obtain RWS(Kππ0)=[0.229±0.015(stat)0.009+0.013(syst)]% and RWS(K3π)=[0.320±0.018(stat)0.013+0.018(syst)]%. The CP asymmetries are measured to be 0.006±0.053 and 0.018±0.044 for the K+ππ0 and K+ππ+π final states, respectively.