Gamma/delta T cells and the diagnosis of coeliac disease

Gamma/delta T cells are increased in the gut epithelium of patients with coeliac disease compared with normal controls. The aim of this study was to determine whether the increase in yd intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) is specific for coeliac disease, in which case it could be of diagnostic importance. Biopsies were obtained from children with no intestinal disease, coeliac disease, cow-milk-sensitive enteropathy/post-enteritis syndrome (CMSE/PES) and miscellaneous other enteropathies (n = 67). Intraepithelial CD3+ and γδ T cells were identified in frozen sections using peroxidase immunohisto-chemistry. In normal biopsies there were 0-7 γδ IEL/100 cells in the epithelium. In untreated coeliac patients this increased to 9-22 γδ IEL/100 cells in the epithelium (P=0.000004). Of 27 patients with morphologic intestinal damage which was not due to coeliac disease, four with CMSE/PES had γδ IEL/100 cells in the epithelium in the same range as the patients with coeliac disease. Of these, two had high densities of CD3+ IEL in the epithelium and were indistinguishable from patients with untreated coeliac disease. The other two could be excluded as possible coeliacs because their CD3f IEL/100 epithelial cells were in the normal range. Thus an increase in γδ IEL is not specific for coeliac disease. However, enumeration of both of γδ IEL and CD3+ IEL densities will be useful in the exclusion of coeliac disease as a diagnosis in some children.