Fine structure of oscillons in the spherically symmetricφ4Klein-Gordon model

We present results from a study of the fine structure of oscillon dynamics in the 3+1 spherically symmetric Klein-Gordon model with a symmetric double-well potential. We show that in addition to the previously understood longevity of oscillons, there exists a resonant (and critical) behavior which exhibits a time-scaling law. The mode structure of the critical solutions is examined, and we also show that the upper bound to oscillon formation (in r0 space) is either nonexistent or higher than previously believed. Our results are generated using a novel technique for implementing nonreflecting boundary conditions in the finite difference solution of wave equations. The method uses a coordinate transformation which blueshifts and “freezes” outgoing radiation. The frozen radiation is then annihilated via dissipation explicitly added to the finite-difference scheme, with very little reflection into the interior of the computational domain.