Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in a Twin: A Comparison of Sibling Histories

To determine possible characteristics of infant victims of sudden death, we examined 114 items related to the pre- and postnatal histories of 42 pairs of twins one of whom died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) leaving a surviving sibling. Interviews with the parents were conducted after the occurrence of SIDS, and the data were checked with records held by gynecologists and pediatricians. To evaluate the specificity of any factors, we studied a control group of 42 age- and sex-matched pairs of twins, both of whom survived the first year of life. Only 11 of 114 characteristics were significantly related to SIDS: future victims had a smaller weight and height at birth, stayed longer in the nursery, and followed a moving object with their eyes, had head control, and smiled at a later age than their surviving siblings. They also fatigued more often during feeding (11/42) and had reduced arm and neck tonus (9/42). They were described as longer sleepers than their surviving siblings. During sleep, some SIDS twins, but no surviving twin, were found to be cyanotic at least once or pale (4/42) and were repeatedly covered with abundant sweat (8/42). In the control group of normal twins, the occurrence of most of these characteristics was found with a frequency comparable to that seen in the SIDS infants; the specificity of these characteristics is thus considered doubtful. The mean birth weight and height were significantly greater in the control group, and no control infant had an episode of cyanosis or pallor or repeated episodes of profuse sweating observed during their sleep. It is concluded that, if further research validates the occurrence of night hyperhydrosis in some future SIDS victims, this symptom could be a clinical risk factor.