Cytochemistry of the skin of patients with mucopolysaccharidoses

Synopsis The distribution of complex carbohydrates has been investigated at the light and electron microscope levels in sweat glands of normal subjects and patients with Hurler's or Hunter's disease. Normal sweat glands examined with a battery of light microscopic histochemical methods revealed sulphated complex carbohydrate in secretory granules of the dark cells. These granules lacked affinity for dialysed iron (DI) at the light and electron microscope levels. The DI method demonstrated acid complex carbohydrates ultrastructurally on the surface of the intercellular canaliculi and central lumen in normal sweat glands. DI-reactive acidic material, presumably of mucopolysaccharide nature, surrounded and extended between collagen bundles in the stroma of normal skin, but was absent from the band which ensheathed the sweat gland and consisted of individual rather than bundled collagen fibrils. DI-reactive mucopolysaccharide lined and partially filled vacuoles of dark cells showing a laminar distribution in vacuoles of clear cells in sweat glands of a Hunter patient. The DI method also visualized mucopolysaccharide distributed throughout vacuoles in fibroblasts of this patient. DI-reactive acid material covered the luminal surface of the sweat gland, coated collagen bundles in the stroma and spared the periglandular collagenous sheath in skin from Hurler and Hunter patients as in that from normal controls. Acid phosphatase was localized ultrastructurally in vacuoles and nearby cytoplasm and on plasmalemmae of clear cells, dark cells and myoepithelial cells of sweat glands from Hurler and Hunter patients. Vacuoles of dermal fibroblasts and Schwann cells in these specimens also exhibited strong acid phosphatase activity.