Uranium Monosulfide. II. Mass Spectrometric Study of Its Vaporization

A study of the vapor effusing from a tungsten effusion cell containing uranium monosulfide has been performed with the aid of a time‐of‐flight mass spectrometer. Between 1700° and 2150°C uranium monosulfide vaporizes predominantly according to the reactions US(s)=US(g), and US(s)=U(g)+S(g), and to a detectable extent at 2100°C and above by the reaction 2US(s)=US2(g)+U(g). Least squares treatment of the ion current ratio IUS+/IU+ as a function of temperature between 1885° and 2130°C yields the relationship ΔHT°(I) —[ΔHT°(II)/2]=14.6±2.4 kcal/mole, where the error is estimated. In the presence of very small amounts of oxygen in the solid monosulfide the vapor species UO and UOS are found. A faint peak in the spectrum at mass 264 is suspected to have been due to ThS+.

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